Monday 1 August 2011

The Art of Projection

The argument by those explaining why the likes of Robert Spencer et al are responsible for the murders in Norway runs as follow:
  • Their articles are filled with hate.
  • The murderer read their articles.
  • Therefore the murders were part-caused by the writers.
We know the second statement to be true; many articles were referenced in the "manifesto".

The first, alas, is never supported with any evidence; they take the "hate" part for granted. Is it hate because they don't agree with what is written? Is what's written erroneous? It's irrelevant, as neither of those constitute hatred.

And yet, without evidence of hatred, the argument falls apart. It won't stop its repetition of course. And these champions of what is good and just continue their attack.

I particularly enjoyed the irony of the commenter who told Pamela Geller she "didn't deserve the life you have." (link lost) And the ever upright BBC got comments from a "Norwegian philosopher" (Lars Gule, a Professor, no less), criticising Robert Spencer for writing about Islam, at no point telling its eager and faithful audience that Gule had been convicted of carrying explosives intended for a terrorist act.

Lars Gule has said that, "while he once believed that it was possible to create a societal revolt without violence, he now believed that the use of weapons is needed in order to cure injustices because no one gives up his rights without a fight." (source) That appears to be the same conclusion the Norway murderer came to.