Sunday 24 July 2011

Start with a Summary

If Islamic terrorists attack the West, it is because of West.
If non-Islamic terrorists attack the West, it is because of the West.

If Islamic terrorists attack the West, the media will avoid reference to their appearances or beliefs.
If non-Islamic terrorists attack the West, the media will clearly state their hair and eye colour, political and religious beliefs.

If Islamic terrorists attack the West, their actions are in spite of Islam, which is a religion of peace.
If non-Islamic terrorists attack the West, their actions confirm that all religions, particularly Christianity, are vile and violent.

If Islamic terrorists attack the West, you cannot criticise their religion because of a few extremists.
If non-Islamic terrorists attack the West, it was only a matter of time; that's what followers of religion do.

If Islamic terrorists attack the West, it was just a small group of outsiders.
If a lone gunman attacks children, it shows the dangers of right-wing groups and must be investigated.

That is our starting point. Just to be clear.